Research & Evaluation

We pride ourselves on the quality of everything we do. But we’re always looking at ways we can improve further.

To help us do that, we regularly review and evaluate all our performances and products using both the feedback we receive from our customers and clients and the scrutiny of our own staff.

Wherever possible, we measure the impact on our audiences. In schools, for example, we use Generic Learning Outcomes to measure changes in the attitudes of pupils.

Our Evaluation in Practice

Our evaluation strategy is designed to measure our impact and improve performance.

We Will:
  • Use a consistent approach to evaluation to allow meaningful comparisons
  • Aim to get feedback from 5% or our audience each year
  • Monitor and review the performance of all staff on a regular basis

  • Carry out continuous review of our activities to reflect the findings of our evaluation

  • Publish the results of the evaluation on this website, and share them with other interested groups

We are undertaking continuous evaluation in the form of an online customer research questionnaire and a series of focus groups. If you’d like to complete the questionnaire, just click on the link. If you’d like to be involved with the Focus Groups please contact