
The Waterloo Foundation

Type of work:
Workshop Development
Sponsored Workshop Tour
SEND focus

February – December 2019

Ruth Perkins

Date written:

Case Study

We asked the Waterloo Foundation to support us in improving our service to audiences with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Through their funding we were able to create a new workshop and deliver a pilot tour to SEND schools in Wales. Find out about the Science Explorers workshop for your school.

Teachers at Ty Gwyn Special School in Cardiff gave generously of their time to help us find activities and formats that would work best for a diverse range of students aged 3-19 with autism and/or profound and complex needs. A four-day pilot at Ty Gwyn was carried out, providing the new workshop for every student in the school and helping us evolve the content and improve our delivery methods.

The workshop evolved into a multi-sensory investigation of the science of sound – full of fun and surprising demonstrations that are designed to be accessible for all, using a mixture of taste, touch, sight and hearing.

The Science Explorers workshop is based on our longest-running and most popular show Music to Your Ears. Our presenters work with school staff to adapt each workshop to a level suitable for every student.

We received a hugely positive response from our tour to Welsh schools. This project was a great experience for all involved and we are working to expand our offer in this area.

Waterloo SEND Project

The level was excellent, it was very accessible and inclusive for all of our children.

Audience Member

The children had the opportunity to explore objects that they necessarily wouldn’t have and were actively involved in the exploration process.

Audience Member

They had a sensory experience which was simple yet highly effective, suitable for the PMLD students.

Audience Member

It was an enjoyable experience and our students participated well and we will certainly be using some techniques with our class.

Audience Member

It was a lovely session and well paced for our pupils. There was a good mix of things that they could explore independently and that we could explore with them. The staff were very good at explaining the activities and were very friendly and had a lovely manner with the children.

Audience Member
Waterloo SEND Project

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